vineri, 22 aprilie 2011

duminică, 17 aprilie 2011

Alina Augusta - I will love again ( Liga Campionilor )

Hello dear friends!
Sarbatoarea Pastelui se apropie cu pasi repezi, iar pentru unii dintre noi, alergatura dinaintea unei sarbatori este inevitabila.Sper ca aceste sarbatori sa fie cel putin la fel de luminate ca si cele precedente.Sa incercam sa fim buni in general, nu doar de Craciun si de Paste asa cum obisnuim, si sa nu ne amintim doar atunci de familie si de prieteni.Ei fac parte din viata noastra mereu si nu doar de sarbatori.Viata ne arunca uneori in locuri in care ne simtim, probabili singuri, si ne dorim ca in clipele respective sa reinviem sentimentul acela ,,de sarbatoare" din sufletul nostru. Faceti schimbarile pe care le doriti in viata voastra , dar incercati sa nu va pierdeti energia si nici ideaurile in care credeti.SARBATORI MINUNATE!Va imbratisez cu drag, Alina Augusta!!!
And for my special friends from everywhere...
(Ru, Heejin, Solomon, Nhat, Alex, YY)

The Easter is coming, (for orthodocs and catholics too), and for most of us, the busy time near this special event is inevitable.I hope, this hollydays will be lightfull like the last years.Let's try to be good and nice, but not for the hollydays, and try to remember not just now, our family or friends.They are a important part of our lifes not just when hollydays are coming.Life will get us in places where we are feeling lonely , and we want thet feeling of celebration in our souls.Make the changes you want in your lifes , but try not to loose your good energy or your goals you belive in.
HAPPY HOLLYDAYS!Warm hugs , Alina Augusta!!!